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​KAEE has served as Kentucky's leader in environmental education since 1976, promoting and influencing environmental education on national and statewide levels each day.
This course is designed to provide educators with the background knowledge and skills needed to identify, investigate, and evaluate environmental issues as well as plan appropriate action based on their analysis.
This course is designed to provide educators with the background knowledge and skills necessary to develop and implement learning experiences in the best practices of environmental education.
Hosted by Kentucky Green Schools, this one-hour webinar will highlight action projects inspired by the Water Investigation and point toward funding sources for Green Teams and their partners.
Join KAEE and EPI for a winter ecology trip and get real-world ecology and environmental education experience in Yellowstone National Park. RSVP here for information about the trip. DEADLINE TO ENROLL IS AUGUST 10, 2024.
This is a learning community of individuals working to foster and support practices of racial justice, equity, inclusion, and diversity in the outdoors and environmental work. Bi-monthly, we come together to learn, dive deep into different topics, hear from guest speakers, and grow as a community!
This course is designed to help educators understand academic standards from different content areas and apply those standards when planning lessons and curricula for school-age audiences.
This course is designed to provide a strong foundation in the language, concepts, and principles of equity work. It is meant to be an introductory course and spark interest in further learning about justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.