About Us
The Kentucky Association for Environmental Education (KAEE) is one of the country’s oldest associations supporting environmental education and the first affiliate of the North American Association for Environmental Education.
KAEE includes people from all walks of life--teachers, administrators, government and agency personnel, business and industry representatives, and private citizens. KAEE works with members and partners to bring sound environmental education to all Kentuckians. KAEE works to ensure that education about the environment will be taught in every classroom in Kentucky.
Environmental education (EE) provides the skills necessary for people of all ages to make intelligent, informed decisions about the environment and how they can take care of it. EE builds human capacity, influences attitudes, and can lead to action. Most importantly, it can help people make informed decisions about the environment that lead to lifelong stewardship and a more sustainable society.
​KAEE has served as Kentucky's leader in environmental education since 1976, promoting and influencing environmental education on national and statewide levels each day.
Leading the field, building relationships, and connecting educators across the commonwealth
Our Mission
Increase environmental knowledge and community engagement in Kentucky through the power of environmental education

Our Vision
A sustainable world where environmental and social responsibility drive individual and institutional choices