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Project WILD

Project WILD

Project WILD provides wildlife-based conservation and environmental education that fosters responsible actions toward wildlife and related natural resources.

Project WILD

Project WILD is an interdisciplinary EE program that helps participants develop an awareness, appreciation, and understanding of wildlife and habitat. Introduced in 1983, it has reached more than 100 million youth through more than 1.5 million educators and is one of the largest wildlife education programs in the world. Project WILD is administered by the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (AFWA).

Aquatic WILD

Water in all its forms is one of the most dramatic of today's arenas in which informed, responsible, and constructive actions are needed. Aquatic WILD uses the simple, successful format of Project WILD activities and professional training workshops but with an emphasis on aquatic wildlife and aquatic ecology.

Growing Up WILD

An early childhood education program for ages 3-7 that builds on children’s sense of wonder about nature and invites them to explore wildlife and the world around them

Flying WILD

Activities that teach middle-school students about birds, their migration, and what people can do to help birds and their habitats. The guide's many activities can be used to teach classroom lessons or to initiate service-learning projects that help birds and their habitats, such as helping middle-grade students, teachers, and community volunteers implement a bird festival at their school

Attend a Project WILD professional development and receive a copy of the award winning environmental education curriculum and activity guide! Find the next workshop.

What Project WILD Offers

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