Grant Opportunities
We've compiled this list of EE grant opportunities for groups and organizations that are looking for funding for their programs. Be sure to double check all requirements and information for each grant before applying.
General EE grants currently available:
Youth Service America (YSA) Allowance Grant
**Student Opportunity**
Deadline: January 1st
To help ignite and bring kids’ awesome ideas to life, Hillshire Farm SNACKED! brand is introducing the Allowance Grants program. Nominate a kid and work with them to fill out an application for an Allowance Grant. Thirty-eight (38) $500 grants and three (3) $2,000 grants will be awarded to 4th – 6th graders across the United States with the best ideas to create the change they want to see. In addition, parents and caregivers of the selected grant recipients will receive Hillshire Farm SNACKED! products for a year (estimated value $156) to share with their family and friends to help fuel their journeys.
Complete details: ysa.org/grant/allowance/
Teach Earth Educator Fellowships
Deadline: January 10
Teach Earth fellows step out of the classroom for 7 to 14 days and work alongside scientists to study nature, learning real-world research protocols, and recording observations and measurements in the field. They collect data that underpin scientific progress and can, over time, change the world. In the evenings, teacher fellows work together to brainstorm new lesson plans that will bring science to life back in the classroom.
Complete details: earthwatch.org/education/education-fellowships/teacher-fellowships/teach-earth
USDA Farm to School Grants
Deadline: January 10
On an annual basis, USDA awards competitive Farm to School grants that support planning, developing, and implementing farm to school programs. USDA's Farm to School grants are an important way to help state, regional, and local organizations as they initiate, expand, and institutionalize farm to school efforts.
Complete details: fns.usda.gov/cfs/farm-school-grant-program
Herb Society of America Research Grant
Deadline: January 31
This grant supports the research of the horticultural, scientific, and/or social use of herbs throughout history. Research must define an herb as historically useful for flavoring, medicine, economic, industrial, or cosmetic purposes and have the potential to significantly increase the knowledge of the field. Eligible applicants may be professional researchers, educators, students, and other individuals interested in working with herbs. Only U.S. residents may apply.
Complete details: herbsociety.org/get-involved/grants-scholarships/
Horticulture Scholarship of the Western Reserve Herb Society
Deadline: February 28
This horticulture scholarship is open to citizens of the United States who have completed the second/sophomore year of undergraduate study. The applicant must be attending an accredited college or university and have achieved a grade point average of 3.2 or above. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate exceptional dedication to horticulture and whose career goals may involve work in areas such as teaching/research, the public or nonprofit sector, or sustainable agriculture.
Complete details: ​herbsociety.org/get-involved/grants-scholarships/
School Garden Grants Program (Whole Kids Foundation)
Deadline: March 31
Through our Garden Grant program, schools and non-profit organizations turn outdoor spaces into powerful hands-on learning gardens that connect kids with food, spark their curiosity and support classroom curriculum. Awards of $3,000 are available to select applicants. Nonprofit organizations and K-12 schools in U.S./Canada are eligible to apply.
Complete details: wholekidsfoundation.org/programs/school-gardens-grant
National Wildlife Federation Tree Seedlings
Deadline: Spring
The National Wildlife Federation provides reimbursement for free or subsidized native tree seedlings to partners who in turn plant them through local restoration projects or community tree giveaway events. Tree giveaway events typically involve distributing seedlings to individuals (often students) that will plant the trees and care for them at home.
Complete details: nwf.org/Trees-for-Wildlife/Request-Trees
NSHSS School Supply Grant
Deadline: April 15
NSHSS is always looking to find ways to support our network of educators, especially those who are constantly looking to support their students. To help offset the financial burden, NSHSS is giving twenty (20) high school educators $500 grants to help provide additional opportunities to their students and classrooms.
Complete details: www.nshss.org/educators/grants/school-supplies-grant/
Certification Scholarship (The Wildlife Society)
Deadline: May 15​
The Early Career Professional Working Group of The Wildlife Society accepts each year to help cover costs for university coursework that early career members may be lacking to satisfy the requirements of AWB®/CWB® certification.
Complete details: wildlife.org/ecpwg/grants/
Kentucky River Authority's Watershed Grant Program
Deadline: September 15
The Kentucky River Authority provides financial assistance to local groups interested in engaging in watershed outreach and education, water quality sampling activities, or water improvement activities. Nonprofits and school districts are eligible. Grants of up to $5,000 to be used by June 30, 2024.
Complete details: krww.org/action/grants
Honda Foundation
Deadline: August 1
The American Honda Foundation was established to help meet the needs of American society in the areas of youth and scientific education. Nonprofits and school districts are eligible. Grants range from $20,000 to $75,000 to be used in one year.
Complete details: ​honda.com/community/applying-for-a-grant
Samull Classroom Herb Garden Grants
Deadline: October 1
Thanks to the generosity of the estate of educator, Donald Samull, The Herb Society of America established an herb garden grant for elementary school classes grades 3 through 6. Ten grants in the amount of $300 are available. classrooms grades 3-6 with fifteen students or more may apply for a grant to establish an herb garden. In addition to plants, the funds may be used for supplies such as soil, plants trays, containers, child or youth sized tools, etc.
Complete details: herbsociety.org/support/grants-scholarships/grant-details.html#donaldsamullgrant
Bee Grants (Whole Kids Foundation)
Deadline: October 15
These grant programs allow for schools and non-profit organizations in the U.S. and Canada to receive support for educational beehives and bee programming so students can observe bees up close and learn about the vital role these pollinators play in our food system.
Complete Details: wholekidsfoundation.org/programs/honey-bee-hive-grant
NOAA Environmental Literacy Program
Deadline: November 1 (Pre-Application)
Working at national, regional, and local levels, our funded projects educate and inspire people to use Earth systems science to improve ecosystem stewardship and increase resilience to environmental hazards. This competitive funding opportunity’s goal is for communities to have sufficient collective environmental literacy to take actions that build resilience to extreme weather and climate change in ways that contribute to community health, social cohesion, and socio-economic equity.
Complete details: noaa.gov/office-education/elp/grants
NEEF Greening STEM Grants - BLM
Deadline November 30
Through these BLM Greening STEM grants, BLM and NEEF seek to advance mutual STEM education goals by providing program participants with access to authentic STEM experiences that use the environment and the agency’s unique mission—to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations—as a context for engagement.
Complete details: neefusa.org/resource/2021-2022-neef-greening-stem-grants-blm
EPA Environmental Education Grant
Deadline: December 5
Under the Environmental Education Grants Program, EPA seeks grant applications from eligible applicants to support environmental education projects that promote environmental awareness and stewardship and help provide people with the skills to take responsible actions to protect the environment. This grant program provides financial support for projects that design, demonstrate, and/or disseminate environmental education practices, methods, or techniques. Since 1992, EPA has distributed between $2 and $3.5 million in grant funding per year, supporting more than 3,800 grants.
Complete details: epa.gov/education/grants
ALDI - Smart Kids Program
Deadline: December 15
Through ALDI Smart Kids, we partner with organizations that make a positive impact on our kids' health and well-being, food insecurity and diversity, equity and inclusion programs. So whether your mission is to support kids through education, arts, athletics or any other program that inspires them to be active and healthy, we say kudos to you and encourage you to apply for support from the ALDI Smart Kids program.
Complete details: corporate.aldi.us/en/corporate-responsibility/aldi-smart-kids/
Celebrate Urban Birds Mini-Grants
Deadline: December 15
These mini-grants are focused on promoting events that center Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in birdwatching and ornithology. We will prioritize community-led applications that focus on sharing community knowledge and expertise and emphasize culture and the arts. Grant awards range from $250-$2500. Virtual events, whenever possible, are encouraged due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Mini-grants are awarded to organizations from Canada, United States, Latin America and the Caribbean. All applicants will receive free training, materials, and resources to bring their ideas to life; including proposals that we are unable to fund. No experience with birds required. ​
Complete Details: celebrateurbanbirds.org/community/minigrants/
​Youth Garden Grants
Deadline: December 15
The National Gardening Association will be awarding Youth Garden Grants to schools and community organizations with child-centered garden programs. For this grant cycle, 100 grants are available. Schools, youth groups, community centers, camps, clubs, treatment facilities and inter-generational groups throughout the U.S. are eligible. Applicants must plan to garden with at least 15 children between the ages of 3 and 18. Previous winners may reapply, but must wait one year and must have significantly expanded their garden programs.
Complete details: kidsgardening.org/garden-grants/
Apprentice Ecologist Initiative™
**Student Opportunity**
Deadline: December 31
The goals of the Apprentice Ecologist Initiative™ are to: Elevate youth into leadership roles by engaging them in environmental cleanup and conservation projects, Empower young people to rebuild the environmental and social well-being of our communities, and Improve local living conditions for both citizens and wildlife through education, activism, and action. To become an official Apprentice Ecologist and be considered for a scholarship: Conduct your own environmental stewardship project, take a few digital photos of your project in action, Write an essay about your project and what it meant to you, and register and upload your favorite project photo along with your essay.
Complete details: wildernessproject.org/volunteer_apprentice_ecologist.php
NEA Foundation - Learning and Leadership Grants
Deadlines: February 1, May 1, and September 15
Educators frequently need outside resources to engage in meaningful professional development due to limited district funding. Through our Learning & Leadership grants, we support the professional development of NEA members by providing grants to: Individuals to participate in high-quality professional development like summer institutes, conferences, seminars, travel abroad programs, or action research and groups to fund collegial study, including study groups, action research, lesson plan development, or mentoring experiences for faculty or staff.
Complete details: ​neafoundation.org/for-educators/learning-and-leadership-grants/​
NEA Foundation Student Success Grants
Deadlines: February 1, May 1, and September 15
We invite applications from educators, specialized instructional support personnel, and education support professionals to: develop and implement a project that will enhance students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills; develop and implement a project supporting personalized and experiential learning; support students’ mastery of essential academic content; support students’ cultural understanding and appreciation; promote students’ communication and collaboration skills; or enable students to engage in learning experiences connected to real-world issues and challenges.
Complete details: neafoundation.org/for-educators/student-success-grants/
Cliff Bar Family Foundation
Deadlines: February 1, June 1, and October 1
Priority is given to applicants that address two or more of our funding priorities at the same time: Strengthen our food system, Enhance equitable community health outcomes, Safeguard our environment and natural resources. And applicants that: demonstrate strong community ties and operate within viable and clearly defined plans for positive change.
Complete details: cliffamilyfoundation.org/grants-program
Association of American Educators Classroom Grants
Deadlines: March 1 and October 1
Classroom grants can be used for a variety of projects and materials including, but not limited to, books, software, calculators, math manipulatives, art supplies, audio-visual equipment, and lab materials. Funds must be used within one year of the application deadline. Classroom grants are available to all educators.
Complete details: aaeteachers.org/index.php/member-benefits/scholarships-and-grants
​Frances R. Dewing Foundation Grants
Deadlines: April 1 and October 1
​Consideration is only given to projects concerned with early childhood education, specifically for children up to sixth grade. The Frances R. Dewing Foundation prefers to fund projects or programs with a broad reach and demonstrable direct benefits to children. Applications are not accepted for projects and programs that do not directly benefit children, such as parent education, staff recruitment, and endowments.
​Complete details: dewingfoundation.org/apply/
The Lawrence Foundation
Deadlines: April 30 and October 31​
The foundation makes grants to U.S. based qualified charitable organizations. To date we have funded organizations that address the following areas of interest: Environment (U.S.-headquartered organizations operating programs in the U.S. or elsewhere in the world), Human Services, Disaster relief (US headquartered organizations responding to disasters in the U.S. or elsewhere in the world on an occasional basis), Other (U.S.-headquartered organizations operating programs in the U.S. or elsewhere in the world). Nonprofit organizations that qualify for public charity status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or public schools and libraries are eligible for contributions or grants.
Complete details: thelawrencefoundation.org/application-process
Environmental Research & Education Foundation Grants
Deadlines: May 1 and December 1 (Pre-proposals)
The EREF is the only private, grant making institution with a national and international scope whose sole mission is to support solid waste research and education initiatives. Our research grants program is led by our Research Council, a body of volunteers consisting of technical experts in industry, academia and consulting. The work of the Council is guided by a long range strategic plan with the goal to achieve greater sustainability, good environmental stewardship, higher process efficiency and increased knowledge. Council recommended projects are then reviewed by our Board’s Projects Committee for a final review and funding allocation. Non-research oriented projects are reviewed and recommended to the Projects Committee by technical staff.
Complete details: erefdn.org/research-grants-projects/
ECPWG Professional Development Grant
Deadline: July 15 and December 15
Professional development grants are offered each year to help defray costs associated with professional development opportunities pursued by early career members, including such things as travel to The Wildlife Society’s annual conference, attendance at regional/state/local meetings, workshops, or other possibilities.
Complete details: wildlife.org/ecpwg/grants/
We offer the most flexible and accountable funding for educators through our easy-to-use fundraising platform. Educators create a fundraising page or apply for a grant. Donors give to a specific classroom, school, or fund. Educators can immediately order the items they need. Donors receive updates about the impact they made.
Complete Details: adoptaclassroom.org
The Awesome Foundation
Have a crazy brilliant idea that needs funding? We award $1,000 grants every month. It couldn't be simpler! Your idea is yours alone. We don't want a stake in it. We just want to help you make it happen!
Complete details: awesomefoundation.org
BoatUS Foundation Grassroots Grants Program
The Foundation is looking for creative and innovative projects that promote safe and clean boating on your local waterway. The BoatUS Foundation Grassrooots Grants Program provides grants to nonprofit organizations, boating clubs and student groups for projects that promote safe and/or clean boating.
Complete details: boatus.org/grants/
National Environmental Education Foundation Grants
NEEF offers a variety of grants and awards to help organizations engage their local community to improve the environment, increase diversity, and expand their work locally. We routinely highlight individual and group commitment to nature through education and service. NEEF provides multiple grant opportunities throughout the year. For more information see available opportunities on website.
Complete details: neefusa.org/grants
Cornell Douglas Foundation
The foundation accepts applications for programs in the following areas: Environmental Health and Justice, Land Conservation, Mountaintop Removal Mining, Sustainability of Resources, and Watershed Protection.
Complete details: cornelldouglas.org/apply
Costco Wholesale Grants
Costco Wholesale’s primary charitable efforts specifically focus on programs supporting children, education, and health and human services in the communities where we do business. Costco accepts and reviews funding requests throughout the year on a rolling basis, and organizations are eligible to submit one application per fiscal year (Sep-Aug).
Complete details: costco.com/charitable-giving.html?&reloaded=true
DonorsChoose empowers public school teachers from across the country to request much-needed materials for their students. Teachers can connect with a thriving community of donors eager to fund your classroom projects. Company matches donations from every donor you refer to your first project.
Complete details: donorschoose.org
​ExtremeTerrain's Clean Trail Initiative Program
This program will provide eligible groups the opportunity to apply for a grant to fund their next trail improvement related project, which could range from trail clean-up, trail restoration, trail expansion, to name a few.Various Wrangler and 4x4 groups and organizations, as well as those who manage publicly and privately owned trails are invited to apply for the grant. In addition, groups or organizations that manage projects to clean up and maintain nature preserves, walking/hiking trails and public parks are also welcome to apply.​​
Complete details: extremeterrain.com/clean-trail-initiative-program.html
Free Milkweeds for School
If your school or non-profit educational organization is interested in this conservation measure, we can help you create a habitat for monarchs and pollinators. If your organization qualifies, we will provide a free flat of 32 milkweed plugs as well as guidance on how to create a new habitat or enhance an existing garden.
Complete details: monarchwatch.org/bring-back-the-monarchs/milkweed/free-milkweeds-schools-nonprofits/
Herman's Garden Seed Donation Program
We donate seeds to organizations and gardens in need. Groups that qualify for seed donations include community and educational groups who will freely share the harvest, community and educational groups who will save seed for others in need, nonprofits, schools, community gardens, seed libraries and educational programs.
Complete details: seedsavers.org/seed-donation-program
Karma for Cara Microgrant Program
**Student Opportunity**
Students 18 years of age and under may apply for funds between $250 and $1,000 to complete service projects in their communities throughout the United States.
Complete details: karmaforcara.org/microgrant-application
Laboratory Equipment Donation Program
The Laboratory Equipment Donation Program (LEDP) was established by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) to grant surplus and available used laboratory equipment to full-time faculty at universities and colleges in the United States for use in energy oriented Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) educational programs.
Complete details: apps.orau.gov/ledp
Patagonia Environmental Grants
Patagonia supports environmental organizations with bold, direct-action agendas and a commitment to long-term change. We support innovative work that addresses the root causes of the environmental crisis and seeks to protect both the environment and affected communities. We focus on places where we’ve built connections through outdoor recreation and through our network of retail stores, nationally and internationally.
Complete details: patagonia.com/us/patagonia.go?assetid=2942
The Pollination Project
The Pollination Project seeks to unleash goodness and expand compassion all over the world. Through our pioneering Daily Grant program, we make micro grants 365 days a year to grassroots global change agents who seek to spread compassion in their communities and in the world. All qualified applicants in any funding area are considered within the guidelines of this program.
Complete details: thepollinationproject.org
Positive Payload Grant Program
The Positive Payload Program is designed to benefit nonprofit, charitable organizations who use and rely on pickup trucks and pickup truck accessories to better their community. Anyone who works with or volunteers for a charity that uses certain Ford, Dodge, or Chevrolet pickup trucks is welcome to apply for a $250 donation to the charity they are involved with.
Complete details: americantrucks.com/positive-payload.html
Project Hero
Project Hero (Captain Planet Foundation) is a free online platform that offers standards-oriented and authentic project-based learning experience for empowering and engaging students to take action for their local endangered species and ecosystems. Each Quest students undertake is a unique learning and activation journey that focuses on locally-relevant environmental issues. We present multi-media content, lessons, and activities for exploring and understanding the threats to local species and ecosystems. Every Quest culminates in a hands-on project to empower your students to make a meaningful impact in their environment. When you register for a free account as an educator, you gain access to additional teaching resources, tips, and opportunities, including eligibility for grant funds to support your class's projects.
Complete details: herofortheplanet.org
Salad Bar Grant (Whole Kids Foundation)
Give kids good choices, and they’ll make good choices! Through key partnerships, we developed
the Salad Bars to Schools grant program with the mission of donating salad bars to U.S.
schools to allow kids to have daily access to fresh fruits and vegetables.
Complete details: wholekidsfoundation.org/programs/school-salad-bars-grant
Toshiba America Foundation Grants
Sixth to 12th grade teachers are invited to apply on-line for a Toshiba America Foundation grant of up to $5,000 and more than $5,000 to help bring an innovative project into their own classroom. Applications must be for project based learning. We do not consider requests for computers, laptops or tablets. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Deadlines are based on grant amount requested.
Complete details: toshiba.com/taf/612.jsp
​​Walmart Local Giving Program
Applications accepted on a rolling basis from February 15 through December 31. The Walmart Foundation supports programs and initiatives addressing education, workforce development, economic sustainability and health and wellness. Multiple awards ranging from $250-5,000 are available for select applicants. Nonprofit organizations, K-12 schools, church or faith based organizations and government entities are eligible to apply.
Complete details: walmart.org/how-we-give/local-community-grants
Waste Management Charitable Giving
Waste Management is most likely to support nonprofit organizations that deal with the environment, environmental education, and causes important to the areas where we operate. We target our support to specific projects or programs that enhance the scope of services offered by an organization. WM prefers not to financially support operating costs, capital campaigns, or multi-year requests. Preference is also given to organizations, which have a broad base of funders, community partners and volunteers.
Complete details: wm.com/about/community/charitable-giving.jsp
Know of grants that could be added or see information that needs updated? Email Michelle Wilson at michelle@kaee.org.